Meet Your Lodgement Obligations Efficiently

With Origin as Your Trusted ASIC Intermediary

The Corporations Act requires companies to file specific information and lodge forms with ASIC. You can opt to either deal with ASIC directly or hire Origin to act as your registered agent. Choosing the latter means we can assist you in meeting your filing and lodgement requirements, so you are actively in compliance with the law.

The difference is that we work for you and not on ASIC’s behalf. Because we help other businesses meet their lodgement obligations, we have more extensive familiarity with the requirements under the Act. We can identify and discuss with you which information should be lodged with ASIC in layman’s terms. And because we submit most forms and information electronically, you don’t need to complete documents manually. Doing so helps avoid risks, including late fees and fines, whilst lowering the chances of fraudulent activities with your account.

With Origin as Your Trusted ASIC Intermediary

Why Choose Origin?


Years of
Dedicated Experience

Customer Service

Proven Record
of Meeting Objectives

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